The Hawk and Owl Trust have purchased a Tourtalk TT 40-TG24M tour guide system to assist guides in communicating with visitors.
The tour guide wears a headband microphone connected to a wireless transmitter. Each member of the tour group is issued with a wireless receiver and earpiece. The system enables everybody to hear the tour guide without disturbing the wildlife.
“We LOVE the system, and it has been used very successfully several times recently…
Sadly, as of yet we don’t have any photos of the system in use, as all the events have been nighttime ones – owl prowls at this time of year!”
The Hawk and Owl Trust is a National UK Charity founded in 1969. It is dedicated to conserving owls and birds of prey in the wild – and increasing knowledge and understanding of them.
The guided walks can be booked during the day, evening and weekend (subject to availability) and last about two hours. Each walk can be tailored for different age groups, from toddlers to adults and for specific interests such as birds, flowers, butterflies, bats, moths or owls.